WKB Chile, is pleased to invite you to participate in our “WORLD CUP WKB”, on
Saturday, October 19, 2019 this will be held at the National Stadium Sports Center, located at 4951, Av. Pedro de Valdivia 4801, Ñuñoa, Región Metropolitana, Chile. The tournament will begin at 10:00 hours with the categories for children and
youth (time of presentation of the competitors 09:00 hours) and at 16:00 hours begins
advanced adult categories.
The championship will be chaired by the World President of the World Kyokushin
Budokai Kancho Pedro Roiz and the International Committee composed of Shihan Daniel
Sanchez Spain, Sensei Dariusz Burda Poland and
Shihan Alejandro Valdivia Chile.
We hope to have your welcome presence and that of your prestigious school to share a
pleasant meeting of brotherhood and camaraderie.

Official Hotel: Hotel Panamericano
Place of the Event: National Stadium Sports Center
Address: 4951, Av. Pedro de Valdivia 4801, Ñuñoa, Región Metropolitana, Chile
Organizer: World Kyokushin Budokai Branch, Branch-Chief Shihan Dai Alejandro Valdivia (W.K.B Chile)
10-11 yr.:  -30; -35; -40; -50; +50
12-13 yr.: -40; -45; -50; -60; +60
14-15 yr.: -50; -55; -60; -70; +70
16-17 yr.: -60; -65; -70; -80; +80

10-11 yr.: -35; -40; +40
12-13 yr.: -40; -45; -50; +50
14-15 yr.: -45; -50; -55; +55
16-17 yr.: -55; -60; +60

Men: -65; -70; -75; -80; -85; -90; +90
Women: -55; -60; -65; +65


Kata + 18 years
1 Round: Gekisai sho
Final round (top 8): Tsukino Kata; Saifa; Garyu; Seienshin; Seipai; Kanku; Sushiho

11-12-13-14 yr
1 Round (points): Pinan sono ni
2 Round (points): Pinan sono yon; pinan sono go
Final round (flags): Perform kata that has not been executed in round 2

15-16-17 yr
1 Round (points): Tsuki no kata
2 Round (points): Gekisai sho; Sahia
Final round (flags): Perform kata that has not been executed in round 2

Registration process as of September 1, 2019, plus the registration payment of competitors to, completion of the registration process on October 1 of the year 2019.



Parents Permir



Tournament bases

Hotel Official
