Message Kancho Pedro Roiz


OSU Hanshi, Shihan, Sensei, Senpai, Kohai

At this very special time of year, I want to take a moment to wish you all the best on these very special days, where families reunite with their loved ones and where we also remember those who are no longer with us.

In times of war, conflicts that surround us and unprecedented environmental catastrophes, the true spirit for which we workday after day comes out, a spirit that makes us support each other among people, dojos, communities, and countries

Being a unit is the hallmark of WKB.

Together we have managed to make the World Kyokushin Budokai a family. A family that grows year after year. Thus, becoming one of the best organizations in the world. We have worked as a team, a unit without egos that has looked out for the whole of WKB and that has given us great global growth.

It has been a year of hard work where you have all worked and participated in each of the activities, seminars, camps and championships that have been organized in each country. Our fighters have been at the top of the national, European and world podiums, leaving their sweat and spirit on the tatami, carrying WKB as their flag.

We must continue this path and prepare the next generations to preserve the legacy by giving the example that you have shown until now, both inside and outside the dojo. Creating a lifestyle for those who follow you.

WKB is fortunate to be able to highlight countless achievements both on and off the tatami of each one of its members and that makes us immensely happy.

Among these events is the adhesion of the Sato Juku organization to WKB, chaired by Master Shoshi Katsuaki Sato, the first world Kyokushin Champion. For me it is a great honor, and it will be a great door to continue learning, demanding more from ourselves and giving us greater growth on a personal level.

This coming year 2025 will undoubtedly be a year full of activities that will make us continue to improve. We have made a concession and celebrating the WKB European Championship in Hungary, All American Championship in Chile, WKB Asian Championship in the Philippines and culminating with the WKB World Weightlifting Championship in Poland.

Kancho Pedro Roiz and World Kyokushin Budokai wish you a happy holiday season and a prosperous New Year.